Your mind on your food

Good habits can be developed at any age
Good habits can be developed at any age

It has just gone past sunset in Mumbai (where I happen to be today) and celebrated my first year of fasting to observe the Jewish festival of Yom Kippur. My beautiful new godson is Jewish and I promised that him that I would do a 24 hour full fast for Yom Kippur before he turns one. As I replenish my body with nutrients I hear the cacophony of the Hindu festival of Ganesh Chaturthi in the background and am aware of Eid al-Adha observed by Muslims having gone by this week. The anticipation of the Hindu festivals of Navratri and Durga Puja followed by Diwali and then Christmas makes anyone who succumbs easily to festive food struggle with the complexity of wanting to enjoy God’s bounty while respecting the body that the creator gave her (or him).

I have written a series of articles on your interaction with food at and here is a brief summary to jump to specific pieces you might enjoy and find helpful. They have been reproduced here for your convenience.

You are what you drink!

Approaching the holiday food and drink onslaught

Setting achievable goals

Saying No to yourself first

You are what you drink –  but what about the jigsaw puzzle?

You are what you drink –  but is your fuel right?

You are what you drink –  but this question can change your life!

You are what you drink –  the money is in the detail, count your money!

You are what you drink –  timing is everything!

You are what you drink –  taking stock

You are what you drink –  linking input to output

You are what you drink –  handling premium fuel

You are what you drink –  inclusion and exclusion

You are what you drink –  what about that dessert?





Dr Purnendu Nath spends his waking hours focusing on helping individuals and organizations reach their goals, to make the world a better place. He speaks, writes and advises on topics such as finance, investment management, discipline, education, self-improvement, exercise, nutrition, health and fitness, leadership and parenting.


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