
Your mottos will be your guiding tools whenever you need them if you remember to use them.
(Puru 2021)

Knowledge is not the bottleneck, Implementation is.
(Puru 2015)

Balance is True Mastery.
(Puru 2015)

If you do not work to redefine the culture around you, you will become a slave to the culture around you.
(Puru 2018)

It doesn’t take money to be wealthy.
(Puru 2018)

The deepest and strongest love is when one feels understood.
(Puru 2018)

Spiritual growth is always at an individual level. Use direct inward focus on your physical health to indirectly improve the state of your spiritual health.
(Puru 2018)

We come to this world alone and go alone…the journey is also effectively really alone… the millions of passersby that each of us befriends or connects with… they’re really just that… external to us (be it marriage, parenting, friendship, leadership).. the internal journey is only ours.
(Puru 2018)

Make your decisions from a position of courage and strength, not from a position of fear and weakness.
(Puru 2018)

Don’t let something that you’re in love with destroy you.
(Puru 2018)

The only 2 assets you have are time and yourself – your body and your mind. You have no control over the passage of time. You can make back money lost, if you have time that your body and mind can use. But you cannot buy back lost time with all the money you will ever make. Remove your primary focus from money and invest your time well – invest in yourself. As time passes without control, develop control over yourself. Even if all your financial capital is taken away, no one can take away your human capital and the investment return you have made on that. If you do not invest your time well in yourself, you will make huge personal losses and be bankrupt within yourself, with a lot of money in the bank.
(Puru 2018)

Whenever faced with an unfamiliar or confusing situation, look for the forces that create tension. Whether two forces or more, your answer will lie in the path to finding a perfect balance between those forces that may well change with passing time.
(Puru 2018)

With rights come responsibilities. With responsibility ought to come rights. With great power comes great responsibility, they say. And so, with great responsibility ought to come great power. But without the right that ought to come with that responsibility, you have an unfair responsibility and, therefore, you have no real power. So, understand where you stand with rights and responsibilities before you think too much about power.
(Puru 2019)

The ‘apart’ is what makes us stronger ‘together’.
(Puru 2020)

It is your problem, not mine, if you do not like the facts I present.
(Puru 2020)

A warrior must train his mind and body all his life, and pray that he never needs to use his training.
(Puru 2020)

I cannot deny that it is difficult, if not impossible, to teach someone how to be wise in their thoughts, words and actions.
(Puru 2020)

I can put fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds on my table because others put croissants, cakes and ice creams on theirs.
(Puru 2021)

Seek out struggle, you will be pleasantly surprised by how satisfied you feel.
(Puru 2010)

Don’t watch sport, play it.
(Puru 2010)

Better to be tight and tanned than fair and fat.
(Puru 2010)

From beauty comes beauty. From intelligence, applied to experience and knowledge, can emerge wisdom.
(Puru 2017)

You made it to the training session, now make it count!
(Puru 2010)

Nothing stays constant. You are either growing or shrinking. Did you grow today?
(Puru 2019)

I don’t care about your Ultra. How big is your ROTI?
(Puru 2017)

You don’t have to eat just because you are hungry!
(Puru 2017)

That unhealthy food that you are saying is comforting like a friend, that food is a deceitful friend – choose your friends wisely.
(Puru 2018)

I’m a foodie too, it’s just that I prefer to eat what extends my Healthspan.
(Puru 2014)

Your brain doesn’t really care if your biceps get bigger.
(Puru 2014)

Beware of The Unholy Trinity – you are just another animal that wants to seek pleasure, avoid pain and conserve energy.
(Puru 2013)

Making rich people richer gets boring after a while.
(Puru 2015)

I don’t care what your grandfather did, what are you doing today?
(Puru 2013)

If you have the right lifestyle, even if you don’t want it, you’ll have a great future – you cannot escape the laws of biology!
(Puru 2019)

If the carpenter’s tools are useless, what can we say about the carpenter?
(Puru 2021)

We think we live in free democracies but our meals speak otherwise. Without realizing it many of us have become remote slaves of old colonial powers and new imperialist ones. We will reach out for foods that are harmful to us, often torturous for animals and the planet, subtly programmed into our brains through the media and so-called advanced society – our minds are now controlled by animal agriculturists and corporations from BigFood to BigPharma. As a result, we implicitly turn away from the nutritious food of our ancestors that leads to a sustainable planet and to whom we only need to be grateful to hardworking farmers. Think deep and free yourself!
(Puru 2021)

Difficult is not the same as impossible and we must always spot that in phrases and be mindful of the distinction in all our communications, especially in our communication with ourselves.
(Puru 2021)

The journey from average to outlier is a walk in the park, only if you walk your talk.
(Puru 2022)

It is almost definite that the money that I will get from this project I will never need to spend.
(Puru 2022)

Are you being continuously aware of the need to be continuously aware?
(Puru 2022)

When alcohol leads to so many anti-social outcomes, should we call it ‘social drinking‘ when it is, in fact, ‘anti-social drinking‘?
(Puru 2022)

If you say you believe that a particular truth is good for you, then let us see it in your actions, lest others conclude that you are unreliable and untrustworthy.
(Puru 2022)

Once you truly understand that personal growth comes only from taking yourself through states of discomfort, you will begin to observe numerous opportunities to do that through every typical day in your life.
(Puru 2022)

Maintaining yourself at 85% of your potential for an extended period requires far greater self-mastery than reaching your max potential for a short while does.
(Puru 2023)

Deprivation implies an unpleasant experience, but intelligent self-deprivation leads to a joyful life.
(Puru 2023)

If I must pleasure my tiny taste buds, let it not be at the cost of harm to another living creature.
(Puru 2023)

If it is actually the plants – herbs, spices, garnishing – that make the slowly rotting flesh of animals palatable to me, why then must I eat dead animals when life-enhancing plants abound?
(Puru 2023)

You cannot execute an outcome but you can execute a process that might give you the desired outcome.
(Puru 2024)

You shape your internal culture actively through conversations with yourself. Any “non-negotiable” you set is going to be a tough debate between you and yourself especially when you come to the boundary between complying and not complying with it. It is at that boundary line that you meet yourself. You have a choice – what character and future self-identity are you developing? Which wolf will you feed?
(Puru 2024)